Monday, September 26, 2011

TUNZA - Registration Day

Mrs. Dewi ask me and Aliyya to out from class. What happen? Oh, It's registration day to go to TUNZA. She said that me and Aliyya should done the registration on Holiday Inn Hotel. We go there by Mr. Jajang's Avanza car. On there, me and Aliyya met so many new friend from other 9th grade class. There is Monica, Shintya, Agil, David, Nisa, and Veby. We just take a minute to get closer one by one. On Holiday Inn, we got three TUNZA T-shirt, a name card, a bag, a guide book and a pen.We met other participants from other school like from 5 JHS and 2 JHS. After done the registration we go back to our school.

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