Friday, September 30, 2011

TUNZA - Day 4

Finally, there is no workshop and plenary session today. Just field trips schedule. We choose to go to Tahura (Dago Pakar). Dago Pakar is a green place and cold on there. We did forest walk and went to Japanese Cave. People said there are so many Japanese and Indonesian ghost on there. It's so dark on the Japanese Cave.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

TUNZA - Day 3

It wasn't usual! Why? Because we go to the SABUGA by Bus and front of my bus were police. It's impressive and I can't forget about this part. So on SABUGA, we got plenary sessions schedule about forest. And after that, other countries performed their presentation project on the podium. But, I think presentation from Indonesia wasn't success. Poor presentation from Indonesia -_-

On 18.30 PM, we took our dinner on the SABUGA top roof. It's beautiful night and we laugh together.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

TUNZA - Day 2

On 9.00 AM, we got parallel plenary sessions. Children got theme Sustainable Consumption. OMG it's so boring. I'm swear I sleep on there but just for 20 minutes. When I opened my eyes, the plenary session was finished. Oh shit! Go to workshop again! Me and Aliyya choose Communicate through Media workshop that mentored by Shruti. She comes from India.On the workshop, I saw a light from a boy that very handsome hahahaa.. Not like that, but that boy is very cute. His name is *sensor* and he comes from *sensor*. I got his g-mail, and I'm happy =)

Break time, nothing special for me -_-
After break, we got workshop schedule again, and I choose Running a Successful Campaign workshop. I'm sure that I don't understand what's the mentor said and I swear that the workshop was BORING.

It's very dark night, but luckily TUNZA gave us facility to stay on Nalendra Hotel.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TUNZA - Day 1

The conference is celebration at Sasana Budaya Ganesha (SABUGA) Bandung. We go there by Mr. Jajang car. We arrived on there place first. 7 JHS first! We waited on there for 2 hours oh great! On 8.50 AM, Boediono as vice president of Indonesia arrived and give speech on the opening ceremony. Boring? Yeah that's right! Luckily, I bring a novel. I don't understand about what is he talking about. After the speech, Jamaica Cafe performed theme song of TUNZA Indonesia. The song titled "City of Glass". That's a great song I think. After the performed, TUNZA gave awards to some children that had won the painting contest from many country. But I sad, because there's no Indonesian on the podium.

We had 30 minutes for recess (break). We met so many friends from other countries and we make a friend relation with they. After break, we did workshop and we must to make a little group. I choose Green renewable and sustainable development workshop. Oh poor! The mentor of this workshop are Indonesian and study at Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology). But this is a great workshop and we weren't got bored. We finished the first day of TUNZA by dinner on SABUGA top roof.

Monday, September 26, 2011

TUNZA - Registration Day

Mrs. Dewi ask me and Aliyya to out from class. What happen? Oh, It's registration day to go to TUNZA. She said that me and Aliyya should done the registration on Holiday Inn Hotel. We go there by Mr. Jajang's Avanza car. On there, me and Aliyya met so many new friend from other 9th grade class. There is Monica, Shintya, Agil, David, Nisa, and Veby. We just take a minute to get closer one by one. On Holiday Inn, we got three TUNZA T-shirt, a name card, a bag, a guide book and a pen.We met other participants from other school like from 5 JHS and 2 JHS. After done the registration we go back to our school.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

TUNZA International Children and Youth Conference Indonesia

SMP Negeri 7 Bandung choose me to be a participants on TUNZA Indonesia. This is my first experience to join an international conference. This conference is about nature and I'm sure that I just have a little knowledge about save the nature. Actually, I know little thing that should we do to save our nature like 3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle), turn off electricity when we don't need to use it and use renewable energy. I don't know why 7 JHS choose me but, I can't believe it until now. Just see how it works on 27sept - 1oct 2011.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Sister !

My lovely sister, Rika today celebrate her birthday. And I give her a Bugs Bunny doll and It's so cute =)